Sebelumnya saya pernah menggunakan SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ tapi kulit saya menjadi kusam, saya tidak tahu penyebabnya apa. Saya pun mencoba SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Gel SPF 30 PA++ khusus untuk kulit Normal to Oily.
SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Gel SPF 30 PA++ melembakan sekaligus memberikan pelrindungan ganda terhadap sinar UV-A dan UV-B. Mengandung Hyaluronic acid untuk memberikan kelembaban dan kelembutan kulit. Collagen untuk menjaga elastisitas kulit. Vitamin B5, E dan C untuk menutrisi kulit. SPF30 perlindungan 30x lebih lama terhadap sinar UV-B. PA++ perlindungan terhadap sinar UV-A. Water Based Formula sehingga tidak lengket, cepat meresap dan terasa ringan di kulit. Tidak menggunakan pewarna dan parfum. Dapat digunakan sebagai dasar make up.
Previously I've used SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Milk SPF 50+ PA +++ but my skin becomes dull, I don't know what the cause. I was trying SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Cream SPF 30 PA ++ specifically for Normal to Oily skin.
SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Cream SPF 30 PA ++ moisturizes while providing dual protection against UV-A and UV-B. Contains Hyaluronic acid to provide moisture and softness of the skin. Collagen to maintain skin elasticity. Vitamin B5, E and C to nourish the skin. SPF 30, 30x longer protection against UV-B rays. PA ++ protection against UV-A rays. Water Based Formula so it isn't sticky, quickly absorbed and feels light on the skin. Can be used as a makeup base.
Size 80gr
Price IDR 40.000-50.000
Saya sudah 2x purchase karena cocok menggunakan SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Gel SPF 30 PA++ harganya terjangkau, melembabkan kulit dan tidak menyebabkan breakout. Untuk kalian yang belum punya sunscreen, bisa coba SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Gel SPF 30 PA++
I've been twice to purchase it because it's suitable to use SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Cream SPF 30 PA ++. The price affordable, moisturize the skin and doesn't cause a breakout. For those of you who don't have sunscreen, can try SKIN AQUA UV Moisture Cream SPF 30 PA ++
Rating 5/5
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